
Become a teacher in a few months? Here’s a solution to the K-12 teaching crisis from UM 

Although the COVID pandemic didn’t trigger the K-12 teacher shortage in the United States, it definitely exacerbated the issue. 

The University of Miami, working with two local nonprofits, is trying to help Miami-Dade public schools with a new, privately funded initiative called the Teacher Accelerator Program (TAP). 

Starting in the spring semester in January, University of Miami seniors who may have never considered going into a classroom will be able to graduate as teachers with a guaranteed job waiting for them.

All non-education majors at UM can now take a one-semester class (Teaching and Learning 590) during their senior year, enroll in a six-week paid summer internship and then start with Miami-Dade County Public Schools next fall, after getting their certification. Participants will earn $5,000 for the internship, working alongside veteran educators.

Read the full story here!